Centenary Medal – Gloria Joachim

Gloria Joachim came to UBC from Baltimore, Maryland in 1974 to enter the MSN program.  She liked it so much that she stayed for more than 30 years!

She had a variety of experiences at UBC, which included teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs and a five year half time appointment with the UBC Faculty Association.  Research opportunities led her to explore societal and personal areas of interest such as care of inflammatory bowel disease and chronic disease patients.  The most exciting opportunity came toward the end of her career when she was appointed Nurse Practitioner Program (NP) Coordinator.  While networking with international experts in NP education, she became passionate about the role and its benefits for the people of BC.  She realized that in order to best contribute, she had to, and wanted to, become a NP.  Her greatest career challenge was being a full time NP student and a full time faculty member at the same time!  Embarking on this endeavor, she slept four hours per night for the next two years and graduated three days before UBC’s first graduating class. She continues her involvement with NP practice, education and UBC graduates.

Gloria is grateful for all of the good fortune she has had.  She found the right career, the right pathways  the right life partner, a wonderful family and now has a new granddaughter.  UBC has been a very big part of all of these experiences.