Centenary Medal – Maura MacPhee

I have been at UBC for almost 15 years. Before that, I was a pediatric clinical nurse specialist at Denver Children’s Hospital and a professional practice director at Boston Children’s Hospital. I am American-Canadian with my American roots in Colorado. I came to Vancouver in 2004, starting out at UBC as a lecturer. I love to teach, and some of my best experiences have been teaching patients, families, peers and students. We’re fortunate at UBC to have such amazing students: Many of my former UBC students are now our profession’s leaders and innovators. My research focuses on healthy work environments for healthcare providers, patients and their families. I enjoy doing applied research with colleagues in the practice community: Most recently, I have been doing care team design with nurse leaders and direct care nurses at Children’s and Women’s Hospitals and BC Cancer. I’ve also embarked on a new path—realist methods. I am working with researchers from Oxford UK to examine what team processes influence team effectiveness in primary care contexts. To me, nursing is the best profession-ever. I have degrees in biology and psychology, and I was drifting until I discovered nursing. You can do practice, leadership, policy, research. There is always something new and exciting to explore and do—and I’m looking forward to what lies ahead in our amazing profession. I would like to acknowledge some nursing greats who have helped me along the way: Martha Curley, Heather Laschinger, Marlene Kramer and Sally Thorne.