Irene Goldstone graduated from the School of Nursing, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal (1966). After experience as a staff nurse in surgical intensive care Royal Victoria Hospital and Guy’s Hospital, London, England she completed a Bachelor of Nursing, McGill University (1972). Following several years as Head Nurse in the Recovery Room/Open Heart Unit at the Royal Victoria, she returned to Vancouver as faculty in the second year of the undergraduate program, School of Nursing, UBC. In 1981 Irene completed an MSc, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, UBC. Irene joined the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Providence Health Care as Director, Professional Education in 1992 after serving as Director, Medical Nursing, St. Paul’s Hospital (1982-1992). In this capacity Irene led the development of the inpatient AIDS and palliative care programs and participated in the creation of the Dr. Peter Centre. As Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing (1986) and Member, College of Health Disciplines Irene collaborated to teach an undergraduate HIV/AIDS nursing elective (1994-2010) and an undergraduate inter-professional elective in HIV/AIDS (1997-2010). Irene has received a number of awards including a Recognition Award for work preserving the history of nursing schools in BC (RNABC 1987); Awards of Excellence in Education and Exceptional Contribution to the Development of Nursing in HIV/AIDS Care (1996, 2008 Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care); Award of Distinction (2007 CRNBC); Centennial Nurse (2008 CNA); Nursing Partnership Award (UBC 2014). On retirement Irene created an endowed scholarship to advance nursing research in social justice and HIV/AIDS. |