Dr. Una Viviene Reid is a graduate of the Kingston Public Hospital School of Nursing, Jamaica and the Simpson Maternity Pavilion, Edinburgh, Scotland. She holds a Post-Basic Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Toronto; a Master of Science Degree in Nursing Education (MSN) from the University of British Columbia; a Master of Education and a Doctor of Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Dr. Reid also holds post-doctoral certificates in the areas of health planning, health economics, and human resource policy and planning from York University (UK); health economics from the University of Aberdeen; quality assurance and accreditation, and problem-based learning from Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Dr. Reid specializes in human resource development in the context of health system development and has extensive work experience in various areas of nursing and human resource development.
She is a former PAHO/WHO international staff member, having served the Organization for nearly twenty years in the field of nursing and human resource development. She was responsible inter alia for strengthening Schools of Nursing, inclusive of curricula and other materials development, introductionof quality assurance for nursing education and service, development and installation of the Regional Examination for Nurse Registration, Caribbean, etc. She also provided technical assistance to the regions medical school, as well as the professions supplementary to medicine.
She continues to work internationally in nursing, human resource development, infection prevention and control and injection safety. She has had assignments from the International Council of Nurses, Geneva; Commonwealth Secretariat, London; Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat (CRHCS), Arusha, Republic of Tanzania; WHO Headquarters; WHO/SEARO (Bhutan, Indonesia); WHO/AFRO (thirteen of the fourteen East, Central, Southern, African countries); WHO/EMRO (Bahrain, Oman); PAHO/WHO; DIFID; John Snow, Inc. (PEPFAR); University of the West Indies (Mona Campus); University of Technology, Jamaica; Caribbean Accreditation Authority (CAAM-HP); University College of the Cayman Islands; and directly with various Ministries of Health in the Caribbean and elsewhere.
The PAHO/WHO Staff Association in 1992 awarded Dr. Reid the Mercedes Alonso Award in “Recognition to the Principles of Freedom of Association and Outstanding Services to the Staff Association.”
In 1998, in honour of WHO 50th anniversary, Dr. Reid was acknowledged by PAHO/WHO and the Ministry of Health, Jamaica in “Recognition for her Contribution in the Strengthening of Public Health Services in CARICOM Member States”.
Dr. Reid was awarded the 2004 Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto Distinguished Alumnus Award for her work in “The Advancement of Nursing and Human Resource Development in the Caribbean and globally.”
Story contributed by Dr. Una Reid